Our Messages

John 13:1-20

A day before the crucifixion, at the Last Supper, Jesus's last Passover with the disciples, He sets the example for us that we are to serve others. He also proclaims being the master and calls us "messengers" in verse 16. This section finishes with the promise that whoever receives the messenger receives the sender!

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John 12:37-50

Isaiah had prophesied about people's unbelief, though many did believe but were afraid to confess. So Jesus affirms oneness with the Father, a willingness to save all and a pronouncement that His words will judge in the end.

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John 12:20-36

We finished last week with the religious leaders saying, "Look, the whole world has gone after Him." And then in the first verse we will study today, we see that even the Greeks were seeking Him. And as Jesus hears they are looking for Him, He shares a particularly important teaching of how we are to prioritize living for Him rather than ourselves if we are to have eternal life.

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John 12:1-19

Jesus' public ministry is coming to an end. Recent events have caused Him to no longer walk openly among the Jews. However, now God's timing Jesus ultimate purpose is at hand.

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John 11:38-57

After making His way to Bethany, Jesus is deeply moved by all those who are hurting at Lazarus' death. But as He promised Martha, they would soon see the glory of God. Jesus calls to Lazarus to come forth, and in that moment, Lazarus is raised from the dead.

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John 11:1-16

Today begins the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. He is going to claim that He is the resurrection and the life, and then He demonstrates it by raising Lazarus.

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John 11:1-16

Today begins the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. He is going to claim that He is the resurrection and the life, and then He demonstrates it by raising Lazarus.

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John 10:22-42

At this point in Jesus' ministry, there is a temporary standstill between Jesus and the religious leaders. There are enough people who are on Jesus' side, or at least aren’t actively opposing him, that the religious leaders have been unable to achieve a successful attack on Him. And we have seen they have been quite frustrated with those who were not against him. But, today, they will have another chance as Jesus make His way to visit the temple during the Feast of Dedication.

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John 10:1-21

Jesus switches from teaching on the ability to really "see" since He is the "Light of the world." Now He introduces Himself as the door and the Good Shepherd. Contrasting Himself against the thief and the hired hand, He promises us "abundant life." He sets forth as proof to these claims His willingness to lay down His life, knowing that He will conquer death. We can rest assured "there will be one flock and One Shepherd."

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John 9:1-41

In Chapter 8 of John’s gospel, Jesus made the claim that He was the light of the world.‌ To the pharisees, this was outrageous as He was making a claim to deity when He said it. But in today’s passage, Jesus not only makes the claim again, but He also demonstrates it by healing a man who had been born blind. However, the real miracle isn’t that he can now physically see, but that fact that he believes on Jesus, and His spiritual blindness is also healed!

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How Would You Save the World?

God often does things in ways we don’t expect, and certainly in ways that we would not do them. I think this is true even in the way He saved the world. We would have sent a fully formed warrior, but God chose to send a helpless babe. I'm glad God doesn't do things my way.

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John 8:48-59

Once again Jesus is misunderstood by the Pharisees. They stoop to insulting Jesus and they cannot fathom His words. While seeking to honor the Father, Jesus tells them that Abraham (who they claim as their father) saw Jesus and they question Him on His age. The chapter closes with Jesus plainly calling Himself, "I AM".

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