Our Messages

Who We Are - Empower

It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, we understand as believers in Jesus we have been given authority to be His ambassadors on the earth. His promise to be with us should give us the confidence to serve God in the local Church as the members of a body work together. We each have a part to fulfill in the work of expanding the kingdom.

Who We Are - Equip

It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, we understand Jesus Christ has given people in leadership to believers to build up the worldwide Church as well as the local Church in order to equip every believer with a part in working in the kingdom of God. We are ambassadors for Christ.

Who We Are - We Evangelize

It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, our mission statement is to evangelize the lost, equip the saints, and empower them to step out into what God has called them to do. The first step is to evangelize. There is a world full of people who are living their life with no hope. It is our responsibility to share the gospel with them.

Who We Are - We Are Generous

It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, we are generous. And this is not just with our finances. We are also generous with our love, time, and forgiveness.

Who We Are - We Are Family

It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, we are a family. We respect and honor one another. Family perseveres through difficulties and family loves unconditionally.

Who We Are - A People Who Pray

It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, we are a people who pray. You cannot have a relationship without communication. If we want to be successful, we are going to have to make prayer a focus in our own life, but we are also going to have to make prayer a priority as a church as well.

Who We Are - Filled With The Spirit

It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, we believe the gifts of the Spirit are still for today. The filling or baptism of the Spirit is subsequent to salvation, is available to every believer, and the gifts should be used in an orderly manner.

Who We Are - We Are Worshippers

It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, we are a people who worship. In an ever changing age we have a solid foundation, Jesus our Lord. As the object of our worship we are awed by the fact that God reached out to us. That alone should inspire a heart felt response from use.

Who We Are - We Walk By Faith

It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, we understand that life is lived by faith. We may not see all the details, but we have an assurance of hope that is our faith.

Who We Are - Saved By Grace

It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, we understand that salvation isn't earned. We are a people who are saved by grace through faith.

The Cost of Love

Sin is often tolerated and sometimes even accepted. Not just in the world, but also by many Christians. If we understood the price that was paid for our sin, how much our sine really cost, we would have a much more visceral, and truthfully realistic, reaction to sin. We also live in a society where love is ridiculously over used and undervalued. We love pizza and we love the Cowboys. We live in a society where to love someone you must agree with them. And if you don’t agree with them, then you must hate them. But today, I want to share with you what real love is. Real love is sacrificial. The only reason we can and do love is because he first loved us, and today, we celebrate the greatest act of love that was ever committed. Jesus paid a horrific price for sin because of His love for us.


As we approach Easter let's examine the scene in the Garden of Gethsemane. Judas arrives with a small army because Jesus seems to be a threat. However, prophecy was being fulfilled, and so Jesus allowed Himself to be apprehended, and the rest . . . as they say . . . is history!