Our Messages
Acts 12:20-13:12
The gentile church in Antioch has been growing quickly and has a solid team of prophets and teachers. The Holy Spirit sets apart Barnabas and Saul to begin their missionary journeys to the gentiles.
Acts 12:1-19
Herod Agrippa I wants to gain favor with the Jews. He sees that killing James pleased them, so he arrests Peter to gain even more favor. However, God has other plans and supernaturally rescues Peter from the hands of his captors.
Acts 11:19-30
This last half of chapter 11 records "the young church in action." From the revival, which began in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost and the eventual spread of the Gospel resulting from Saul's persecution, we now witness a series of "firsts." Gentiles were added to the Church. Barnabas was sent out as the first "missionary" from the Church in Jerusalem. He and Paul become the first "team." The first time anyone is mentioned as a prophet is recorded. The believers are first called "Christians." And the first mention of a collection being received for the relief of the saints is included to set the pattern for the New Testament Church to follow until Jesus returns.
Acts 11:1-18
As a result of going to meet with Cornelius, a gentile, Peter experiences a large negative reaction from the Jewish believers. So today Peter gives an account of why he went, and the result is the Jewish believers rejoicing that salvation had been granted to the gentiles.
Acts 10:34-48
Peter understands that God shows no partiality as to those who can receive the gospel and begins to preach. As he does, the Holy Spirit falls on Cornelius, his household, and his friends and they begin speaking in other tongues and extolling God. As this demonstrated that God has accepted them, Peter commands them to be baptized.
Acts 10:1-33
The disciples had proclaimed the resurrection of Jesus in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria, reaching all the way to Damascus, where Saul of Tarsus was converted. Now it was time to begin expanding "to the uttermost parts of the earth." So, a series of supernatural events began to unfold as the "Way" was going to be received by the Gentiles. Both Cornelius the Centurion and Peter the Apostle needed direct intervention by God to propel this expansion. The resulting divine appointment has had far reaching effects still active today.
Acts 9:23-43
Luke continues following Paul after his radical conversion. After ministering the gospel in Jerusalem, the Jews seek to kill him, so he leaves back to Tarsus. Following this, the church sees peace for a time, and we follow Peter as he travels through the area preaching and performing miracles. As a result, the church grows.
Who We Are - Empower
It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, we understand that we have all have a plan and purpose provided by God. We want to enable and empower people to step out into that purpose.
Join us as Pastor Jaron from Rock Solid Church in Hudson, NY, shares with us a timely message titled Now. The time is fulfilled, and we are to walk in such a way that we build bridges. Bridges that the Holy Ghost shows us. It is His desire for the lost to walk out of the natural (darkness) and into the supernatural (light).
Who We Are - Equip
It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, our mission statement is to evangelize the lost, equip the saints, and empower them to step out into what God has called them to do. As believers and followers of Jesus it's assuring to know that we've been given the resources of the Kingdom of Heaven to carry out the Great Commission. Since the Day of Pentecost multitudes have been birthed into the family of God. And the Church has been given leaders to help bring us all to the place of maturity. We should strive to grow more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as we work in the harvest. It truly is ripe for the reaping.
Who We Are - Evangelize
It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, our mission statement is to evangelize the lost, equip the saints, and empower them to step out into what God has called them to do. The first step is to evangelize. There is a world full of people who are living their life with no hope. It is our responsibility to share the gospel with them.
Who We Are - We Are Generous
It is important to understand the culture and identity of who we are as a church. At Living Hope Family Church in Marana, we are generous. And this is not just with our finances. We are also generous with our love, time, and forgiveness.