Our Messages

Who We Are - A People Who Pray

Pastor Wayne continues the "Who We Are" series with a focus on prayer this morning. You cannot have a relationship without communication. If we want to be successful, we are going to have to make prayer a focus in our own life, but we are also going to have to make prayer a priority as a church as well.

Who We Are - Filled With the Spirit

Salvation is the Holy Spirit in you, received the moment you get saved. But being filled with the Holy Spirit happens subsequent to salvation. As we continue our "Who We Are" series, we learn the gifts of the Holy Spirit are to build and edify the church, and they are still applicable for today.

Mother's Are Remarkble

Mother's are awesome. They love well. They are strong. And the sacrifice often without applause. Today we are going to take a look at a few examples of mother’s in the bible that demonstrate these very qualities.

Who We Are - Worshipers

Worship is an integral part of who we are as a church. As we continue in the "Who We Are" series, today we will see why we are a people who worship.

Who We Are - Walk By Faith

As we continue in the "Who We Are" series, today we will learn that we are a people who walk by faith and not by sight.

Who We Are - Saved By Grace

As we begin the "Who We Are" series, today we will learn that we are a people saved by grace.

It Is Finished

When Jesus said, "It is finished," He meant it. Because of His death and resurrection, we can be right with God. We don't have to work for it. We don't have to earn it. We can't add anything to it. We only must receive it by faith, making Jesus our Lord and Savior.

Is this Gods Wrath?

Is the COVID-19 virus the result of the wrath of God against a sinful world, or is it just the result of living in a fallen world? Pastor Wayne shows through scripture that Jesus paid the price for all sin and satisfied the wrath of God.

Paradigm Shift

The original Church had been charged with reaching the entire world with the Gospel, but in the beginning, they just stayed in Jerusalem. Then persecution came and they had a paradigm shift. They scattered, but then accomplished what God intended them to. I think the church is facing this once again as this virus has forced us out of our four walls, completely rethinking what church looks like and how we reach people. Instead of being focused on what's going on inside the church, our paradigm has shifted, and we are looking outwardly as we should.

Hands & Feet

We have an awesome opportunity as the church to be a blessing to our communities. Let's be the hands and feet of Jesus.

When Fear Reigns

When fear enters our life it is not an issue. When it becomes an issue is when it is incorrectly dealt with. As we go through the sermon today we will hear how God wants us to handle our fear in a time of Panic in our nation.

2 Peter - VI

Nobody knows when Jesus is coming back. Let's make sure we are prepared, living in holiness and godliness.