Acts 24:22-25:12
Not too long ago, we found ourselves with Paul in “protective custody.” While there, some Jews had taken a foolish vow to not eat or drink until he was killed. However, Paul’s nephew warned Paul of this plan. After informing the tribune, he sends Paul to the governor Felix in Caesarea soon as he arrived, Governor Felix agrees to hear Paul’s case as soon as his accusers arrive. It is not long before the Jewish leader show up and present their case to Felix against Paul, falsely accusing him of being a plague, stirring up riots, and profaning the temple. However, Paul deftly gives his defense to Felix, explaining that every accusation is false. Today, we see Felix tell them that when Lysias the tribune arrives, he would decide their case. While waiting, Felix and his wife both listen to Paul speaking about faith in Christ, righteousness, and the coming judgment. Understandably, this made Felix a little concerned and unfortunately for Paul, Felix was trying to placate the Jews as he left and left him in prison. Finally, after another trial where the Jews bring false accusation against Paul, Paul appeals to Caesar.