Our Messages

Roman's XI - Dead to Sin Alive to Christ

Let's dive into God's word with Joseph Kobel. With Christ we've left sin and moved into God's country.

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Romans X - Through One Man

Through Adam's sin, all mankind was condemned. Join Pastor Wayne as he answers the question, "Is this fair," as we continue on in our study of the Book of Romans.

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Romans IX - Peace with God

Through our relationship with Christ we are no longer God's enemy. We have instant and complete access to God through Christ. Jesus knows absolutely everything about us and yet He still gave His life to deal with all our sin and save us from the wrath of God.

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Romans VIII - Promised to Abraham

Our inheritance is not based on our physical sight or just our immediate surroundings. We are heirs of God's kingdom through our steadfast faith in Christ. We must remind ourselves not put God in a box. Our enduring faith produces character which in turns breeds hope.

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Romans VII - Abraham's Righteousness

Abraham was circumcised as a sign that he was set aside for God. Today our hearts are circumcised through Christ. Our faith in His promise sets us apart and spurs us forward to share His joy.

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God has all authority. He has given us ability and power to go out and make disciples for Him. Today we delve into the joyous strength that God empowers us with.

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We need to be equipped so that we may be ready in and out of season. The purpose of a pastor is to build up the saints, and our goal should be to raise people up in their knowledge of Christ. Our faith should never rest on another man but only in Jesus Christ. All we have to do to be prepared is follow Jesus.

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Everything we do at LHFC is to reach the world for Jesus. We lift up Jesus so that all will be drawn towards Him. Imagine what the world would be like if we thought of other people as more important than ourselves. God does not love us for the things we have or haven't done; He just loves us in spite of everything. There is a desperate need for Christ.,

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Jesus talked about money more than anything else except the kingdom of God. If you don't want to be disappointed you have to put God first. If we will be generous God will always provide what we need.

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People who Love

God is love which is a foreign concept to many. He loves us all. We were not worthy of God's love, but he gives it to us anyways. The people who need love the most are sometimes the hardest to love. Let us stir up love and good works. "Someday we'll see Jesus, eyeball to eyeball" - Joseph Kobel

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A People Who Pray

Talk to God! There isn't a special formula. To have a strong relationship we have to communicate. We must make time to upkeep our relationship. Prayer is a commandment. God wants to hear our requests.

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Filled with the Spirit

We can be saved, but still not receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. God has many gifts for us not just one, and wants us to eagerly seek them out. We're very good at putting God in a box, but He cannot be contained. If we who are evil can bless our children, how much more will our Father give us if we just ask? We need God's power!

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